Making your home more fire-resistant
Winn Wittman Architecture, Austin TX

We are all concerned about the wildfires currently blazing in central Texas and around the nation. Just yesterday I toured some homes in Spicewood, TX that were damaged and saw, first-hand, the fury of these fires. I also noticed that some homes were devastated, while others, next door, were spared. Although the spread of fire is sometimes beyond our control, there are some steps we can take to make our homes safer; I’d like to share some strategies you can use to make your existing or new home more resistant to wild fires.

In a wildfire, the air is super-heated and embers are floating around and ready to ignite any combustible material they come in contact with. more
Decoding an Ancient Therapy
High-Tech Tools Show How Acupuncture Works in Treating Arthritis, Back Pain, Other Ills

Acupuncture has long baffled medical experts and no wonder: It holds that an invisible life force called qi (pronounced chee) travels up and down the body in 14 meridians. Illness and pain are due to blockages and imbalances in qi. Inserting thin needles into the body at precise points can unblock the meridians, practitioners believe, and treat everything from arthritis and asthma to anxiety, acne and infertility. more

Russell Collection is a World Class gallery filled with museum quality art. We set out to offer something different to the serious art collector in central Texas.

Russell Collection Fine Art has assembled a permanent collection that includes approximately 100 original works spanning the history of art from 1600 to the present, making it the premier visual arts gallery in central Texas. Located in the heart of one of the most unique and diverse cities in the world, the gallery uses its collection and resources to provide educational and cultural experiences for the people who live in, work in, and visit Austin. more