As helpful as they can be at times, logic and common sense help us navigate the known, but do not lead to transformational shifts and innovation.

The most brilliant discoveries in any endeavor or field come from inherently creative spaces… exploratory…wild….where things open up and the question is “what if?” Opening up the mind and going beyond perceived limitations can be unpredictable and uncomfortable…but for those of us interested in the pursuit of transformation, why limit ourselves to the existing and actual? Why not play with and follow out implications towards infinity; why not?

Psychology is a relatively young field; it has only been an independent scientific discipline separate from philosophy since the 1870s. What if the predominant model is too linear, reductionist, normative, and based upon an abnormal view of behavior? What if the current diagnostic model of the mental health establishment is too entwined with political and economic factors to represent a consistently valid method for healing psychological problems?

Perhaps, as founder of Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic Donny Epstein proposes, all we can control is where we put our focused attention. If we focus on limitation and assumptions about what is known, we are unlikely to grow, to improve, or to discover our potential. In his book “Excuses Begone,” Wayne Dyer asserts that who we are is determined first and foremost by what we believe. Based on my own experience working with the subconscious, I agree with him that, by changing our beliefs, we can change who we are. Again and again, I have witnessed how, as he says, “our beliefs, all of those formless energy patterns that we’ve adapted as our self-image, have the ability to change dramatically and to give us the power to conquer unwanted traits, or what we unhappily presume to be our fate.”

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