But they also liked the thought that they were promoting an innovative and sustainable new concept. "There's definitely a tendency among the production and writing crew to be aware of these environmental features and be interested in cutting edge ideas," he says. "The fact that the storyline worked for Andy Botwin is convenient, but there's definitely a certain attitude that's held by the team." In earlier seasons, he notes, the team specifically chose to have the character Nancy Botwin, played by Mary Louise Parker, drive a Prius.

Design fans and bike geeks who watch Weeds may have rejoiced at the mention of one of the most exciting transportation announcements of last year. But those not familiar with the Copenhagen Wheel--likely, most of Weeds' viewers--were left wondering: Was this thing real or a product invented by a Hollywood writers' table? The curious found their way online, Googling themselves onto to the Copenhagen Wheel's website and Facebook page, where some still wondered if this was part of creator Jenji Kohan's universe.

Since season seven began airing in late June, Outram has seen a dramatic uptick in interest. "It has picked up incredibly," she says, noting that pre-Weeds she got about two inquiries per day through the site, now she gets an average of 10. "I'm always surprised that there are people who see products on TV and then look them up." Since the wheel is not yet commercially available, she says the Weeds appearance has been like free market research, proving that it's a desirable product and that people understand how it works.

Burley says the team makes an effort to use real products whenever possible to help contribute to the authenticity of the show. But not all companies are as thrilled to have their brands appear in the same scene as a bong. "We've been rejected by a lot of companies for that reason," he says. "Some people will say, yes, you can use it, but we don't want it associated with a scene with drugs in it." In this case, it was MIT's cooperation that gave the wheel a more important role.
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